Why You Should Stop Asking Friends And Family To Help You Move?

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Reasons Why You Should Stop Asking Friends And Family To Help You Move- Moving Champs Australia

Here’s some free life advice: don’t ask pals to assist you with your relocation. “Why not?” you think to yourself. “Who can I turn to if I can’t approach a friend or family member for help when I need it?” Plus, it’ll save me some money.”

There are two parts to our response. A) Consult a professional mover; they are compensated for a reason. B) As Grandma used to say, “cheap is expensive.” If your pals ruin stuff, injure themselves, or rack up the bill on your by-the-hour rental truck, you won’t save any money. Moving companies are also less expensive than you might assume.

It’s one thing to ask your pals for assistance when you moved into your first or second apartment – they were eager to help you pack everything into the back of your hatchback in exchange for a couple of beers and a slice of pizza. But now you’ve got a house, a family, and you’re well into your forties! (And your buddies are, too!)

Do you need more persuasive reasons why you shouldn’t ask friends to assist you with your move? Here are seven of them.

They Aren’t Professionals In Any Way

Your buddies work as accountants, IT specialists, and customer service representatives during the day. While they may be professionals in their industry, they may not know how to transport your valuables securely or effectively.

This is because they are not expert movers. Unlike the team at Moving Champs, an award-winning moving business that makes residential relocation like yours a breeze.

Professional movers rely on years of experience, trade knowledge, and specialized equipment to relocate you securely and efficiently. They also offer things that your friends won’t, such as pre-wedding packing, rubbish disposal, and storage.

They May Wound Themselves Or Cause Damage To Anything

Consider your solid wood bookshelf set or your antique armoire. Consider all the boxes you’ll need to store heavy books and cooking supplies. It’s challenging to navigate these things through tiny doorways, around corners, and down stairwells.

Consider The Following Scenario

Your companion drops their end of the antique armoire with a cry. They’ve thrown their back out because they didn’t know how to lift correctly, and their unexpected crash has left your hardwood floor and armoire with twin dents.

Hiring a local household mover who knows how to manage big and awkward furniture can prevent this issue. These professionals have received extensive training to transfer you securely and in a manner that protects your property.

The specialists are licensed and insured to safeguard everyone (and everything) involved in the unlikely event that something goes wrong.

It Has The Potential to Destroy Relationships

Even if you prevent injuries and damage, moving is stressful. Physical exertion combined with time constraints is a formula for catastrophe.

All of that tension might build up and produce squabbles among your friends. Someone may snap and say something they later regret, and while you’ll most likely apologize and makeup, there’s a chance this can permanently damage your connection.

When it’s time to relocate, you may elegantly avoid these disagreements by calling the pros instead of your pals. More than only your friendships will be saved by switching from mates to pros. Professionals guarantee that a work well done will be completed.

They know how to properly care for your valuables to arrive in pristine shape at your new house. But, more importantly, they assure you that your relocation is in good hands. So, instead of relying on friends on moving days, take the time to select a local moving company to assist you.

Have You Wanted To Get A Head Start?

If you want to start the party before noon, don’t ask your buddies to assist you in moving. You’re currently on your friends’ schedule. Professional movers are eager to work as soon as the sun rises; unpaid helpers are not.

You’d Like To Finish Today Rather Than Next Week

Professionals have been trained to perform your relocation as quickly as feasible. Friends and family, just as they are a little… shall we say spontaneous about when they start, are also a little slack when getting the job done as quickly as you’d like. They might want to check their phone for most of their volunteer work.

If Someone Assists You In Moving, You Must Help Them

Let’s be honest. There is no such thing as an admiring meal. So don’t ask friends to assist you with your move since they may expect you to return the favor. The only thing worse than transporting your moving boxes is schlepping your belongings and taking someone else’s stuff! Hire professional movers, so you don’t have to do any schlepping.

Importance Of Your Time

Friends and family who come to assist you in moving may arrive far after the time you planned to begin or may leave throughout the day. Friends and family members can drop in and out of the moving process and are often more casual about completing the work on time.

They may take more extended phone or drink breaks than necessary, slowing down your workflow. Remember that your helpers are doing you a favor, so you’ll have to work around their schedules and won’t have much power to tell them differently.

You’ll also have to spend most of your time giving instructions and asking others to perform various jobs. However, because they are not professional movers, you can’t blame your friends or family members for not knowing or getting what needs to be done first, what boxes you want, or how to load your belongings carefully.

Instead, save time by hiring our team of specialists, who don’t need to be led or managed because we know how to complete your move quickly and efficiently.

This is especially true whether you’re moving to Australia, or the neighboring towns, as our team knows the area and its neighborhoods well enough to make your move go well.

It Isn’t About Money — It’s About Priorities

People even pay good money for “How to Adult” classes. You’re an adult now, with a real job and a house to buy… A HOUSE! So why not put your comfort and convenience first by hiring professional movers? It was worth it!


When it comes to moving, forget about your buddies and go with Moving Champs. Our well-trained and dependable team will transport you quickly and expertly. Moving Champs expert movers will help you “move up.”

For more details and quick free moving quotes, contact us today.

Website: https://movingchamps.com.au

Phone: 1800 870 500

Email: info@movingchamps.com.au

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