Tips To Move Out Of A Share House | Moving Champs Australia

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Move Out Of A Share House

Rental properties with public spaces separate from your room are shared homes. Compared to traditional rental apartments, share homes are less expensive upfront and every month, and they can be very comfortable.

While living with numerous people may appear enjoyable and exciting, moving out can feel like breaking up with a long-term partner.

The finest removalists in Australia will offer you some tips and methods in this post that you can use before leaving your shared home.

“Breaking up discussions with housemates is one of the most awkward situations you’ll ever encounter.” 

Communication Is Critical

We can’t deny that telling your housemates you’re leaving might be stressful and embarrassing. According to standard etiquette, face-to-face communication is the most polite approach to delivering bad news.

If you don’t think that will work in your current situation, for whatever reason, you can text the news.

If you want to go out graciously:

  1. Treat the conversation as if it were an ideal date with whom you’ve chosen to be friends.
  2. Try to explain why you’re leaving as clearly as possible.
  3. At the very least, give a month’s notice.

Pay Your Bills

Then you’ll have to figure out what bills you’ll have to pay when you go. All past-due bills, including internet, electricity, gas, and water, should be shared in this scenario.

If you haven’t yet reached your billing month’s end, divide the sum by the number of days invoiced, then multiply by the number of outstanding days.

This is a simple act of kindness and respect for the folks you previously shared a home with.

Make sure your surroundings are clean

You should not be the person who forgets to pack until the last minute, then runs out of time to clean and flees into the night, leaving nothing but a strewn-about space.

If you’re serious about quitting your shared residence, at the very least, clean up your room. Cleaning the kitchen, washing the dishes, and wiping the table should all be on your to-do list.

Before you leave, check to see any hair in the bathroom drain. Open the rusted windows and polish the mirrors while you’re at it.

This is just one more time to show your housemates that you care. You will not be remembered as the untidy flatmate who decided to leave the place unclean and disorganized.

It Is Never Appropriate To Steal

It doesn’t matter how bad things were inside the house; you should never wind up moving out with some of your housemates’ items.

Stay away from the magnificent figurine collection, sparkling jewelry, and even vintage clothing if you wish to leave gracefully.

Take Your Belongings With You

Now is the time to get free of any unnecessary items or baggage. Remove anything you don’t need or won’t use. As you settle into your new digs, this will help to increase cleanliness. It will also make moving and arranging your possessions much easier.

While leaving some things may seem thoughtful, don’t leave a bunch of worthless crap just because you don’t want to bring it with you. Clothing, stuffed toys, accessories, and other old items, worn out or unusable, fall into this category.

Allow Your Roommates Some Breathing Room

Housemates may not accept the news as well as you would like in some instances. You should give them time to digest the news that you are leaving the house in the same way you should give them time to process the concept of finding someone to replace you.

Be Willing To Assist In The Search For A Successor

You might bring up finding a replacement when you believe they have finally accepted your choice to go. You may help by spreading the word about the room on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, asking friends about shared acquaintances, and recommending people you trust.

Even if the situation is urgent, don’t put them in touch with someone who has a reputation for being a lousy flatmate.

Take Caution Not To Become Too Intimate

Even if things get a little crazy and emotional, you should always make your housemates happy. Even if you’re leaving because your flatmates are driving you insane, you shouldn’t be too harsh with them. Furthermore, most issues may be resolved by talking and being open with one another.

Make Sure You Have Everything You Need

After all, is said and done, you should have no qualms about leaving your flatmates. Instead, think about how you’ll promptly pack and remove all of your possessions from the shared apartment. This entails having additional boxes, packaging tape, protective wrapping, and other supplies on hand.

Also, try not to cause too much disruption to your flatmates with your packing. Make the purposeful decision to complete tasks as quietly and smoothly as possible.

Make An Effort To Be More Deliberate

Given what you’ve gone through, you should be extra deliberate about ending on a positive note. It would be best to consider how some of your former roommates will become lifelong friends.

You might run across them in the future and become good friends with them. In any case, it’s best to keep things lighthearted and respectful.

If Necessary, Be The Bigger Person

Some of your previous roommates will stay in touch with you for the rest of your life. And there are some you pray you’ll never have to see again.

Great relationships go hand-in-hand with conflict-ridden ones due to the realities of trying to co-exist under the same roof with various personalities.

If the move-out fails, don’t worry about ‘winning,’ and be the bigger person — life continues.

Isn’t there some housemate karma system where how you treat others is reflected in how you treat them? Maintaining a pleasant and polite tone while talking is always a good idea.

Can Be A Negative Experience For You

Moving into a shared house may be a thrilling and enjoyable experience. On the other hand, many people find it a negative experience.

It would be best if you always left with respect, grace, and civility, whether you have made friends with your flatmates or wish to move on with your life.


Moving must be a tired and hectic process for you so if you want to make your moving enjoyable and less tired, then do not forget to hire Moving Champs, one of the leading house moving companies in Australia.

Contact us anytime and get a quote. 


Phone: 1800 870 500


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